A few steps are necessary for setting up Eclipse-IDE to be Flex-friendly!
In this intro tutorial, we will be installing AXDT - a free open-source Eclipse plugin providing a nice development environment from within Eclipse for making life a bit easier!
In addition the following Actionscript/Flex goodies are nice to have:
- Actionscript2 available via the update site: http://aseclipseplugin.sf.net/updates/
- Actionscript Framework Downloader (Requires installation of Subversion): http://www.rozengain.com/blog/2009/10/09/eclipse-plug-in-download-as3-libraries-straight-to-your-eclipseflex-builderfdt-project/
Let's get going!
Download Flex SDK from Adobe:
2. Choose appropriate version: eg.
3. Unpack to a local directory.
Install the Eclipse-AXDT plugin:
1. Open Eclipse-IDE
2. Go to HELP-> Install New Software
First Install Eclipse-IMP plugin (prerequisite):
Click ADD to add a new update site
Enter the following details:
Name: IMP
Second Install Eclipse-AXDT plugin:
Click ADD to add a new update siteEnter the following details:
Name: AXDT
Re-start Eclipse-IDE on both the above occasions.
Set-up the AXDT to use Adobe FLEX sdk:
1. Click Window-> Preferences->
2. Open AXDT
3. Click Compilers and Click Browse to find the location of the following configuration files:
Flex config file: your_flex_sdk_4/frameworks/flex-config.xml
Air config file: your_flex_sdk_4/frameworks/air-config.xml
Finally Click OK!